Can you spot the differences?

Bah!! Ten days without a post while Misery has been faffing with HER boring old blogs.

And – I even missed Valentine’s Day so I couldn’t send a bark out to all my wonderful past and present girlfriends. Pippasigh. Harooo.

Anyways, as I went to Spain at the weekend, I thought I would write about my Spanish life, and see if you can spot the differences in my life.

So I won’t write any more but the clues are in the photos.

And because Georgia Sweetest Pea Ever Ratatouille and Ralph have said they want to see photos of where I live, I have included a couple of non-ME photos. They are sort of part of my mini-quiz anyway. (Far more photos of Gib and Spain to be found on Misery’s silly blogs Roughseas and Everypicture)

When we turn off the motorway, we always stop here right on the beach so that we can stretch our eight legs. And Misery calls at the boring supermarket over the road. This is looking down the coast towards Málaga city.

Seaside walk

My very favourite activity of all (apart from chasing catz) – lying at my gate.

Me and my gate

Off we go up the track for our walk.

Smiling in the sun

Need to check out all the smells in the grass since I was last here.

Having a close sniff

Am I supposed to be having my photo taken?

I've posed enough, gotta keep sniffing this interesting grass

And – the weekend’s already over, we’re back walking around the city again, just about to leave through one of the gates – Prince Edward’s – in the city walls. If you look closely you can see it says it was built in 1780.

Prince Edward's Gate

Curled up cosily in my Gibflat once again, under my tableden.

37 comments on “Can you spot the differences?

  1. The OP Pack says:

    Do you have a new harness? Or maybe a new flash beast?

    Thanks for the lovely tour, we love seeing where you are.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. Vicky says:

    Ooo Pippa, I can’t see any ‘spot the differences’ unless as The Op Pack has said, your smart harness, but then I’m only human. You do look very comfy in your tableden x

  3. Sweetest Pea here, Pippa! haha! thank you for showing me where you live. sorry i’m late but our computer is still dead and now our internet connection is sick too.

    My Typist says she’ll visit your mama’s other blog one day soon as she is [i quote] “a voyeuristic traveller who likes to live vicariously through other people”. i think she’s just in a mood to use some big words and i’m not even sure if that makes sense. you can ignore her like i do.

    i don’t see any difference anywhere. what are you talking about, please?

    have a great day. hugs x

    • pippadogblog says:

      I thought you were the one who liked to live vicariously. But you are still incredibly sweet. sorry about your computer probs. Drives Misery up the wall.

  4. My darling Pippa,
    I love the pictures! Could the difference be that you get a seaside walk AND a walk at a place that has lots of grass to sniff? That looks different than the pics of your walk near the Gibflat. Seems there you have to walk on “paved” road/sidewalks ,but are in a place where you can enjoy nature more in Spain. Either place is very beautiful and I would be honored to walk by your side and share the sights and scents!

    all my love,
    your Skye

  5. New blog looks almost as good as you do, dear Pippa. We have been very bad about visiting blogs and will endeavor to do better.
    Love, Genny – and Shiloh says Haroo

    • pippadogblog says:

      No worries, we are not very good either about visiting, for which I blame Misery. Thank you. We are thinking of changing it again of course 😀

  6. Bongo says:

    You’ve got some great places to walk in Spain. Do you get to go swimming there?

  7. Kyanite Blue says:

    I’ve looked/read this post of yours Pippa twice now and still don’t see the difference :(((
    Just think maybe you spend more beach time in Spain than in Gib?
    Or is it you sleep in your Spanish courtyard rather than under your Gib table?
    Whatever, good to see you well and out & about.

    Pats & pets

  8. Ralph says:

    Terrific pictures, Pippa! Thanks so much for sharing them. Must get over to Misery’s blogs to see the others (although I’m sure that they’re not anywhere near as interesting as your blog).


  9. pix & kardz says:

    Reading a current post although there still lots to catch up with. Anyhow maybe we haven’t known each other long enough, but I am not sure what spot is different now from what it was before – maybe a line or squiggle. But I don’t see any spots.
    Unless it is that you were in Spain for the weekend and Gib during the week, rather than Spain during the week and Gib for the weekend?
    Anyhow hope you have a good day Pippa. I’m saying good night. 🙂

  10. Ahem. I’m back for the 3rd time. Are you going to put an end to our misery and tell us what the differences are? WELL?

  11. just a quick bark Pipparoonie. My J says to tell your Misery, we have been really really quiet cos everything happened at once. My human Grandma passed away after a harrowing death, on 12 Feb. My J and my Pa are only just back after nine days away down in zummerset. Life goes on, but my J just wanted you to know why we haven’t
    barked too much just lately xxxxxx

  12. oh and on to more interesting dog stuff, I ate my bed while away. It was not particularly tasty, but I did rather adore the horrified reaction of my J and my Pa, when they came back to my Grandma house, to find it was rather filled with bed stuffing……………

  13. Cleo says:

    Hey Pippa…

    great pics… and love your tableden…

    We have been a bit quiet cause we have had some issues with our health over here… but now our mommy has put us on a raw diet, so hopefully we’ll all be right as rain soon…

    Cleo, Lucky, Rascal & Belle

  14. deltasheltie says:

    Wuufs, Pippas. Finally got Pops off his butts so he could help me barks here. Thanks for the cools photos. Wish I could be there sniffings with you. Both in Spains and Gibs. There must be so manys neato smells. And that big waters looks pretty. I have alreadys experienced those sneaky big water waves so I stay away from them and sniff closer to the high tides line when we go to the big k-a-t box. P.S. Hopes you have water in the morning.

    Suzy ∆••

    • pippadogblog says:

      I bet it doesn’t take as long to get your Pops movings as it does for me to push Misery off the computer.

      We have waters. I was the priorities for waters 🙂

      • deltasheltie says:

        Cools! Glad you hydratings again. Barking of waters, we are having falling waters today. Which is verys nice. It has been a very drys winter here.

        The peeps’ barking priorities are certainlys misplaced. Oh, for the lacks of thumbs! (0:

        • pippadogblog says:

          Laugh, you have just reminded Misery that she got a call today from the water company asking about the lack of water. Er…. how many days ago was that now???

          Notwithstanding whatever that might mean, it has been dry here too. Maybe some dry summers coming ups. Thumbs are not much use 😉 Misery just uses her funny fingers.

          • deltasheltie says:

            Sometimes city workers bees do some crazy stuffs. They may even work occasionallys.
            So all peeps have funnys fingers? Weirds.
            Some parts of Europes won’t have to worrys about waters this summer. Brrrs!

  15. annienz says:

    Haroooow Pippa Dawg!

    Tell your Misery that Mumma will be working on her blog next week, or maybes efen on this weekend. Some geocatzing stuffs and some other stuffs might be going on it.
    We writed on my bloggie, which we hafed to especially come ofer & tell woooo bekause we gifed wooooo an Award. 🙂

    Happy tail wags

    • pippadogblog says:

      Haroooo Ruger

      Great to hear from you. Misery has lost half of her links so she needs to sort them all out but will check out the award soonest. Thank you very much. Laters.

  16. Bassas Blog says:

    Very lovely photos.

  17. Anonymous says:

    We enjoyed the photos today Pippa, the coast looks very inviting to us right now in the bleakness of Scotland at this time of year.
    We see there are lots of interesting sniffs on your walks, we so love to sniff.
    Martha & Bailey xxx

    • pippadogblog says:

      I may be allowed to visit you soon and see what you are up to. Hope it is not too cold over there, heard it has been quite warm of late 🙂

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