
I have a lot of friends.

Well, most people in the street seem to want to love me.

But I was absolutely delighted to meet the vampire puppy from upstairs.

I have heard her so many times when she barks and I know she is my neighbour so I wanted to say hello.

Oh. Those of you who read Misery’s silly blogs will know we have vampires who live above us.

They sleep during the day, wake up at night, chatter away and then arrange their coffins first thing in the morning to fall back to sleep. Or something like that. According to Misery.

Master and I were walking out of our flat and – there was vampire puppy and smiley vampire person (who Master and Misery like, it has to be said, she is such a friendly vampire).

Misery dashed in for her camera and managed to take a few decent pix.

Don’t you all love to have a beautiful vampire doberman pup as your neighbour? She is quite adorable.

* Note to Skye * no pup is quite as adorable as you.

Isn’t she cute?

Hello Tia, let’s get close 🙂

I think you are a bit of a flirt……

Hey! Look at these teeth!!

And these paws!! What is she doing??

I think the PippaPaw needed to come down but sadly Master told me no.

I’m not sure what to think about you at all

In fact, here I am drooling for vampire woman who is so smiley and cheerful….I’ve forgotten about Tia and her paws

Paws. For effect.