Annexing my sofa :(

A dog is not a happy Pippadog.

My blog has been abandoned. Nearly as much as me, when I was chucked out on the street.

However, the good news on the horizon is that Misery has put her blogs on the back burner which means that MY BLOG should receive some attention. Well for a short while at least.

I apologise to every single dogpal and personpal who I have not replied to or visited and all that, but it is not my fault. It is hers. I hope I have made that clear.

Secondly, Misery was poorly and annexed my sofa. This was a huge problem.

Just because she grew up on it a million years ago (50 or so I think) does not mean it is hers now.


She draped on it for days, looking like some sick melodramatic mediocre primadonna. Or maybe a secundadonna.

I tried to do my normal routine within the flat. I lie under tableden. I then move to next to Kind Master’s lovely chair and flop down there. I then move to my sofa. But wait! There she was. Invading my space.

I glared at the sofa. I glared at Misery. I looked beseechingly at Master.

‘Sorry Pippa mate, she ain’t moving. Can’t help there.’

I flopped off back to tableden and proceeded to glare at Misery from underneath my hideyhole.

Whenever she feebly spoke to me, I ignored her.

Now, I have a tale to tell about annexing my sofa because I have to confess I learned that word from Misery.

Once upon a time, very many years ago she worked in the UK health service. See, this is relevant ‘cos she was sick on my sofa. Health and sickness go together it seems.

She had lots of boring meetings to go to with some self-important people, but she also met some good ones. One of these was some Director of Oncology Services. I think. Anyway, Pippa the Pharma knows this means cancer services and this was a super important clinical oncologist, that means he knows about radiotherapy and chemo.

When they first met, they had a spat. Misery often does that with people, but afterwards they got on well together (that doesn’t normally happen) and worked hard to improve services for patients.

One day they were chatting at the end of a meeting and he was talking about going down to London. He had a flat there.

On a recent journey, he had booked his ticket and his seat for the train and turned up. Only to find it full of a group of Germans.

‘This is my seat,’ he said politely.

‘Ja, we are sitting here now,’ said the merry group of Germans.

‘Oh no you are not. You might have annexed Poland, but you are not annexing my seat.’ *

Trevor was quite an impressively large man. They moved. Schnell, in fact.

So there is an anecdote for you which I find quite interesting myself.

In fact this happens in Spain on the buses too. People grab the wrong seats and then there is a silly game of musical chairs. Or so I am told as I am not allowed on the buses 😦

But the moral of the story is – don’t invade other people’s space.

Which includes MY SOFA.

* For the benefit of younger readers, the Germans ‘annexed’ aka invaded Poland, which actually led to the start of the Second World War.

I leave you with a happy slide show of me not only on my sofa but waiting for tasty pizza. What more could a Pippadog want?

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